Five stages of grief; boys basketball version
Crickets chirps echo through the gym after the season comes to a close.
March 11, 2021
The clock hit zero and the fans cheering came to a staggering halt. Just like that, the season was done. The away players sulked off the court while RHS rejoiced their new victory. “What now?” Was the common question asked among parents and students in the stands. There were no longer upcoming games to anticipate, themes to plan or capturing announcements of games in the Brazies group chat. But most importantly, what now for the dedicated players? Luckily for them, coach Halseth had just the plan.
March 7, 2020, 8 p.m.
27 hours after the devastating loss. A whole day. Members of the “dream” team were all experiencing the five stages of grief. Shortly after yesterday’s game, rumors began that Halseth was planning some sort of grief counselling session for the players and their grieving processes. Upon hearing this rumor, I took it upon myself to see if it was true. After gathering as much information as possible, I found myself observing the gym door from afar, awaiting the arrival of the team.
One by one, players came trickling into the parking lot and making their way into the school. By simply observing the physical behaviors of the players, I could clearly see the five stages of grief they were displaying.
Stage one: denial
While this is not a common stage of grief seen among the players gathering today, there are a select few. The denial of the game happening itself is quite extreme, but it is surely possible.
Stage two: anger
This is the most evident stage being displayed in the team. Through the stomping feet walking into the school, and the angry attitudes with each other, it is clear some of the players have not cooled off yet (understandably).
Stage three: bargaining
“I promise, if I win this game I will actually do my homework,” said junior Caleb Hiatt.
This phrase alone said during the thrilling game sums up the bargaining phase of grief, but in terms of basketball. Making promises to a higher power (the basketball god), can help with the acceptance of a loss.
Stage four: depression
The stage of depression occurs after reality is accepted and we are faced with what is happening. For teenage boys, this means the hood is up, head is down, earbuds in and music blaring for the next block over to hear.
Stage five: acceptance
I am hesitant to report, but no LHS boys basketball members are at the acceptance stage yet. But, hopefully soon they can achieve it through the help of consistent counseling, provided by their supportive coach.