Too young to be this sad
According to the CDC, 8 out of 10 kids in the United States are depressed.
March 25, 2021
Between the ages of 3-17, almost two million kids in the U.S. are depressed, according to the CDC. Think about that for a minute, two million kids. You probably know someone who is depressed, maybe one of your good friends, the loud kid in class or maybe even one of your family members. It is more common for the older age group rather than the younger kids, but it is still a possibility for them. According to the CDC, only 8 out of 10 kids between the ages of 3-17 will receive treatment for their depression. Depression has no exact cause, but some triggers can stem the feeling. A divorce of parents, struggles with jobs or money in the family or a traumatic life event are just a few of the triggers.
We cannot avoid some of the struggles that people will face in their lifetime, but we can learn to let go of the little things in life. This can include not getting an A on the test, having an overall bad day or getting into an argument with a person you are close to. If we let these little things constantly affect us, we will not be able to move forward with our lives.
It can be difficult to stop worrying. Some worry more than others do, which is completely normal. We are only teenagers; we have so much life ahead of us. Whether you want to go to college and live out your dream job, start a family with your high school sweetheart or maybe you have a different plan in mind; whatever it is, if we worry so much now, about the littlest things, we will never grow as people.
Think about something that upsets you, whether it is big or small. Now take a minute and think about how it will affect you in the future. If it will not affect you in five years, it is not worth five minutes of your time now. For example, missing one day of work or calling in sick to have a mental health day, will not change our lives forever.
If you are feeling stressed, try talking to a friend or someone you trust. Maybe even try something new such as working out. You could go for a walk outside, maybe even go for a run if you are feeling it. Listening to your favorite song or artist is always a good idea and can lift your mood almost instantly. If you are feeling beyond upset, try reaching out to a family member you trust, or you can call or text 1-800-663-HELP.
We all have so much time and experiences ahead of us, however, it is difficult to tell someone, “just be happy.” If you focus more on the grand scheme of things, is it really worth it to be upset over something, or someone that will not be in your life in three years?