The bigger picture of ‘The Bigger Picture’
The Bigger Picture meeting in E227 to discuss race and equality.
April 1, 2021
In the Fall of 2020, LHS students had had arguments over the ruling of the Breonna Taylor case; and LHS seniors Alazar Negash and Surafel Berhanie felt that many LHS students were misinformed about racial topics and the issues they see. Negash felt it was necessary to start a group to bring awareness and understanding to issues that many others may not even be aware of.
“The more educated we are, the less ignorant we sound,” said Negash.
By October, the first meeting was underway in LHS Social Studies teacher Sarah Burkett’s room, E227. Negash’s biggest goal was to bring awareness to racial issues locally and nationwide. Meetings occur every other week on Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. So far, The Bigger Picture has held meetings and had large group discussions where students can ask questions during their lunch hours.
“This group is such an important club for Lincoln. The events of the past year have had a profound impact on our students, community and country. The Bigger Picture provides an important opportunity to discuss race and equality in a safe space,” said Burkett.
Due to COVID-19, the group has not accomplished goals originally planned, such as bringing in guest speakers or holding larger events. Negash is hopeful that one day the club will be able to figure out a way to bring in an outside speaker. Usually, at a typical meeting, one or two members or guests speak on a topic that they find interest in sharing for the participants. Then participants have discussions for that week’s meeting based on what is presented to them.
“The group raises awareness and facilitates difficult discussions. It is student-led and student-centered; I am so proud of the leadership I see as students address race and equality,” said Burkett.
The Bigger Picture’s goal is to educate attendees on real-world issues to make students informed. By holding meetings and events students can have more knowledge to go off of when they are presented with political and moral issues occurring. Once Negash graduates, The Bigger Picture is out of his hands, and he will not have any control over what is to come. Looking into the future of The Bigger Picture, it is up to the underclassmen to keep the movement going.
“As long as someone learns something new I feel like we accomplished something,” said Negash.