The class of 2022’s final hoorah
LHS junior Gus Sargent looks forward to all that senior year at LHS has to offer.
April 21, 2021
As the end of the semester approaches, juniors face the daunting realization of becoming seniors, a time in which decisions for the impending future are made as well as heartfelt goodbyes to friends, teachers, LHS and one’s high school self. Seniors will encounter mass amounts of change and growth over the course of their last year and experience the bliss of being a senior, reaping the benefits of new and fond activities and memories to come. The class of 2022 just happens to feature some of the most hard-working, talented and genuine students that are filled with hope and promise for an amazing senior year to conclude their high school days.
LHS junior Lila Batcheller looks forward to her final year with high regard along with some stress regarding the future. Like most, Batcheller experiences anxiety towards the change in which senior year and graduating put on a student.
“I am excited to have one last year at LHS with all of my friends but also nervous for things like applying to college and having a huge change in my day-to-day routine after high school,” said Batcheller.
Batcheller smiles upon her high school experiences thus far, dedicating her success and happy memories to those around her while speaking highly of the large influence LHS has made on her.
“The thing I’ll miss most about Lincoln is definitely the people,” said Batcheller. “I’ve had great teachers and classmates that have really pushed me in academics and athletics. They’ve definitely instilled a great work ethic in me that I think will help a lot in college. Each class has offered me different perspectives on issues and have taught me to think critically about the world around me.”
In her last years at LHS, Batcheller plans to make even more of an impact in her academics and extracurriculars, making the most of her high school experience.
“I’m most looking forward to taking some new classes and getting more involved in the LHS community through activities like SALSA,” said Batcheller.
LHS junior Gus Sargent is highly anticipating his senior year, expressing elation for his last year at LHS and all the special events and activities that go along with being a senior while still considering the fear associated with the big change of becoming a senior.
“It’s scary,” said Sargent. “Being a senior means college applications and having to think about what I’m going to be for the rest of my life. I’m excited to be able to do cool senior stuff. Prom, Homecoming court, stuff like that… I’m excited. I’m excited to be done with all the stress.”
Becoming a senior, a conclusion to a huge chapter in one’s life, can be described in many ways, one of the greatest being bittersweet. Anticipation for the future awaits while leaving certain aspects of oneself behind in their memorable high school years can be scary, the class of 2022 will back down from no task. The coming year is sure to bring change as well as unlimited opportunities for the future seniors as the class of 2022’s high school careers slowly come to an end.