Finality is the beginning


Emma Johnson

Whether graduation or the ending of a book, look for new opportunities instead of holding onto the past.

Emma Johnson, Staff Writer

The ending of a period of time can often be reflected as a sign of mourning. We grieve the loss of what has occurred. After graduation, we reminisce on all of the memories we created back in high school. When a loved one dies, we honor their life and hold value in their traditions and memories. At the end of a good movie or book, we recall our favorite parts and want to enjoy them once again. 

Finality is something that humans tend to dread. Knowing that something is reaching a final point makes us want to slow down time and savor the moment a little while longer. Society has imposed on us that the end is a time to fear. The unknown lingers in the air and we want to know what to expect next. Carrying around our security blanket of comforts slowly gets taken out of our hands. Growing up and taking that leap of faith by living independently, heading off to college or traveling somewhere new, pushes us far away from our comfort zone. 

As my final semester of high school began, I was starting to fall into major nostalgic moods where I would recall memories from kindergarten up to high school. Since I was looking back on moments of comfort and laughter shared with friends, I was skirting around the responsibilities that come with college such as setting up meal plans, finding roommates and dorm selection. When I could no longer set aside these deadlines, I was struck by a new mindset.

I started talking to incoming freshmen and before I knew it, I made a few friends and found a roommate. I researched housing options and found a dorm that fits my lifestyle. When I went to finally visit campus, I felt a sense of home and security, much like the memories that I was referring back to. Now, as my final days at school are upon me, I cannot wait to head off to Mankato and finally meet my new friends in person. 

So often do we look back at the past once things end that we avoid the new beginnings that arise. Keeping a positive outlook and thinking of all the new opportunities that lie ahead turn the nervous worries into excitement at what’s to come. The ending of a book or movie makes us anticipate a sequel or checking out something new. Graduation sets students free to go experience life on their own. It’s fine to look back at the moments and obstacles that made you who you are today, but do it sparingly. Look towards the future and opportunities to launch yourself into. In reality, the end is only the beginning of something new and wonderful.