How fast the world is advancing before our eyes

Since 1991, schools have been incorporating smart boards into their classrooms. This year, 2022, the Sioux Falls School District has made the investment of new ViewSonic Interactive boards.

Hannah Cisar

Since 1991, schools have been incorporating smart boards into their classrooms. This year, 2022, the Sioux Falls School District has made the investment of new ViewSonic Interactive boards.

Hannah Cisar, Feature editor

Many high schoolers today were born between the years of 2003 and 2006, dating back to around 18 years ago. For many students, the thought of an iPhone or iPad has been around ever since they were born. Some, who are old enough, can even remember playing with their mom or dad’s flip phone. However, what many do not know is that the iPhone did not come out until 2007. Before many high schoolers today were born, there was no such thing as an iPhone.

As I grow up, so do my younger siblings. My brother, who is seven years old, has had an iPad for about the past two years. When my grandma first gave us the iPad as a gift, myself and my three other siblings already had phones so the iPad, in a way, automatically fell in the hands of my youngest brother. I thought to myself, how is this fair that at the age of five he has an iPad and I did not? However, what many of us Gen Z people do not know is that the iPad did not even come out until 2010, according to So, no wonder I did not have an ipad at the age of five, it had not even come out yet. 

Many people under the age of 20 do not understand or even think about how old or new certain things are. When we were born, many new inventions began to emerge, so to us it was normal, but to everyone else it was something brand new and astonishing, something they had never before experienced. Hence, why older people are amazed when their grandchild knows how to work the television better than they do. 

Hydroflasks, a type of water bottle that is very important in the world today. Many athletes, students and hikers use hydroflasks every day. Although this brand of water bottle is very popular today, it came out nearly seven years ago, according to Seven years ago seems like a long time ago; however, when one hears the year 2015, it seems like it was just yesterday. Today, we do not realize, or pay attention to, how fast the world is moving. For high school seniors, 2015 was the year that they were in sixth grade, which can feel like forever ago. 

The world today has come so far in technology, knowledge, accomplishments, and abilities in only the past decade. For Gen Z, this is no surprise to how fast the world is advancing due to most of these advancements happening since they were born. However, we still fail to realize the time and years that go by as we are caught up in life itself.