End of the year preparations
The end of the year is coming to an end with semester tests and AP exams leaving many students feeling stressed.
May 2, 2022
With second semester flying by in a blur for most, semester tests and the last day of school are approaching quickly. By preparing even a few weeks early, you can make your last few days of the 2021-2022 school year a breeze. If any of my teachers or fellow classmates who know I am weeks behind in some classes are reading this, please remember to do as I say and not as I do.
One thing that could be very important to start now is finishing up and turning in late work. Many teachers are going to start announcing their late work due dates soon so it cannot hurt to be ahead of the game. Speaking from experience, there is nothing worse than having to catch up on assignments from ages ago while also worrying about studying for semester tests. Finishing all assignments now it will make your semester test days as easy as possible.
Although I am not sure there is a single high schooler who has a healthy sleep schedule, now is the perfect time to start adjusting it. Start going to bed a little earlier each night so by the time testing comes around you are guaranteed a restful sleep. If you do not start now but try to go to bed early the night before testing you could be left laying in bed awake for hours, ending up with a worse sleep than if you just went to bed at a normal time. Although it is said constantly, it is true that sleep is extremely beneficial, especially in stressful situations.
Another thing that could be beneficial to students before the end of the year is asking others about the classes they are taking next year. Schedules and class requests were of course already supposed to be requested and turned in but there is always an option to change schedules before the next school year. Asking people what they think of the classes you plan on taking next year can help you understand what you are getting into next year.
The final and most important preparation for the end of the year is making sure you are taking care of yourself. The end of the year can be stressful and hard to get through but it is important to value yourself over your school work. This can be very hard to follow especially if you are someone who cares a lot about your grades. Taking care of yourself can be as simple as making a nice breakfast, going on a walk or even just taking a night for yourself, rather than studying or doing homework. Not overwhelming yourself in the next few weeks constant schoolwork will make for a better outcome.