Highlights of sophomore year
A couple of my friends and I ate at Crave for Formal.
May 18, 2022
The school year has made its way to the final stretch and many LHS students are ready for the school year to be over. This year was full of multiple ups and downs but here were some of my favorite events from this school year.
One of my favorite activities from this year was football games. Football games were a great time for my friends and I to get ready together and have an enjoyable time while also cheering for our school. My favorite part about football games was being able to dress up like the theme that was set up by the seniors. Having themes for games was an exciting thing to look forward to, even though it caused lots of fighting between the students. Going out to eat with all of your friends after the game was also something to look forward to.
Even though this was not my first year of high school, this was my first year to go to Formal. Last year there was not a formal at LHS due to COVID-19, so I did not go to Formal as a freshman. Formal was something that I looked forward to because it was my first highschool dance ever. I was able to dress up and get ready with my friends, then go out to eat at Crave and go to LHS for the dance. The dance was different than I expected but it was still full of amusement and it was a night to remember.
This year, Homecoming was a week full of festivities. There were decorations set up for everyone to see right at the front doors and it was a week where everyone could dress up. Homecoming was a fun way to see everyones creative outfits. Not only was it a dress up week, but at the end of the week there was an amusing football game where many LHS students could gather.
This school year was full of many uncertainties and I am so thankful for my friends and family that have helped me get through this year. My sophomore year was an unforgettable year and I had a lot of enjoyable moments to remember.