Next up, 5’7” RS/OH Julia Blom

Used with Permission by Julia Blom
Blom during her Kairos season, ready to put the ball in play.
September 23, 2022
Middle school volleyball is now officially over for LHS freshman Julia Blom. She is striving doing one of the things she loves most at a more advanced level.
Blom began finding interest in volleyball when she was nearly 12 years old, during her sixth grade year. She attended many summer camps and that eventually branched into a true connection with the sport.That same year, she was newly introduced to the well-known club, Kairos Elite volleyball.
“I started playing volleyball in 6th grade when I was 12. I just attended camps and when club season came around I tried out for Kairos and have been playing for them ever since,” said Blom.
Blom dedicates a lot of time to volleyball. She does extra practice on her own time to become better and stronger, which shows her overall commitment to the sport. While Blom attends her regular practices, she also spends more time at home improving.
“I jump train at home using a box, and I also do jump training lessons during the summer,” said Blom. I also lift 3-4 times a week at Avera along with an extra day of conditioning once a week. I also do speed drills and wall passing outside of regular practices.”
Blom was greeted by the LHS volleyball program at the beginning of the summer with open gyms. She was showing advanced skills which scored her a spot on the JV team. She later on began getting varsity reps.
“The first time I came to open gym I was really happy because middle school volleyball was kind of all over the place, and it felt good to have a well-structured organized practice,” said Blom. “I’m actually very confident when I’m on JV, but when I serve on varsity, I definitely get nervous and just don’t want to mess up. But as soon as I get on defense I am in the zone and confident.”
Blom receives support from many different people, including her parents, her teammates and most importantly, her coach.
“My parents are always cheering me on,” said Blom. My mom helps me with a lot of things specifically, but my dad is one of the wisest people I know, so he helps me a lot when I have a bad mindset. Coach is really good at letting me know what I need to fix. She’s also just very aware if I’m having a bad day and she’s always there to help me through it.”
Overall, Blom has been loving her experience so far in the LHS volleyball program. It truly brings out the love she has for the sport.
“I’m very focused and serious when it comes to volleyball, and when I come to Lincoln everyone just kind of has fun,” said Blom. “So when I walk into the gym, it really just reinforces me to know the love I have for the sport.”