Five things that make your heart happy
A symbolized drawing showing different words of what makes your heart happy.
February 13, 2023
As the well-known holiday “Valentine’s Day” is almost here, it is important to recognize some things that make our hearts happy. After all, not everyone needs a valentine to feel happiness over the month of February.
Number one: Laughter
Who knew that something so simple can make such a huge difference in your mood and mental well-being? Studies conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center showed that laughter plays a role in protecting the heart. Making habits to surround yourself with friends who make you laugh will ultimately have a great long term effect on your mental health. They say laughter is the biggest medicine- and the statement is true. Laughter brings people together in ways no other thing could.
Number two: Being alone
Being alone seems sad and lonely, however it can actually be the opposite depending on the mindset you have. It is important to take time in your own space and be alone with your own thoughts and feelings. Finding peace with yourself is what is most important at the end of the day, because if you are not at peace with yourself, you will find it harder to find joy in your day-to-day life. You can spend time alone doing many things, like doing something you love or just something as simple as lying in bed listening to your favorite song.
Number three: Avoid your regrets
As humans, we have all made mistakes that we wish we could take back that we just can’t. We find that these mistakes are holding us back in some ways, however they do not have to. By avoiding the regret we feel, sometimes focusing on the happy things in life will ease the stress caused by our mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself.
Number four: Do what you love
No one knows you as well as you know yourself. You know what brings you happiness and you know what brings you peace. Maybe it is something as simple as a Netflix show, or a music album from your favorite artist. Maybe it is dance or a sport that you play. It does not matter, listen to your mind and feelings and do things that will make you happy. What do you love doing the most?
Number five: Good relationships
Having good relationships with the people in your life will grow your happiness in ways you cannot imagine. At the end of the day, the kind people you surround yourself with will ultimately be the person you are at the end of the day. Having good relationships with your friends and family will influence happiness on yourself and others, which will also have a long term effect.