How to push past senioritis

Put your head in the books and push through this last semester.

Samantha Zeeck

Put your head in the books and push through this last semester.

Samantha Zeeck, Staff Writer

It can be tough to find motivation to complete homework, stay involved or even make it to school. While these tasks can be difficult each year, the last semester stretch of senior year is definitely the most treacherous.

 After completing college applications, many are feeling relieved and care-free, like they have finished all they need to. While it is great to feel this accomplishment and relief, it is imperative to stay focused through this last semester, because regardless of how it feels, the school year is not over yet. There is a sizable portion of the year left and plenty of upcoming tests and assignments to regain the strength and motivation to complete. This being said, here are a few tips on how to push past senioritis and complete the last semester:

  1. Set goals and reward yourself. 

This tip may sound short and simple, but it is truly impactful and necessary for success when motivation is running low. Finding the motivation to hunker down and complete homework after a long day of school and other activities is tough. By setting a goal and rewarding yourself, homework can become much more fulfilling. A few ideas for rewards are taking a short break, having a snack or doing another short activity after completing a set goal. 

     2. Do not procrastinate. 

Voicing the words “do not procrastinate” or “I am going to get this done early” are much easier said than done. Sometimes it takes some serious self-control and discipline to begin a project or assignment. Oftentimes, starting a task is the toughest part. The weight of so much work pushing down on your shoulders can create feelings of helplessness and overwhelming thoughts. So, instead of thinking about the depth and work for an entire assignment, just focus on the first step. Once that step is complete, it is much easier to get off and running.

    3. Find enjoyment in the little things.

Instead of dreading going to school day after day, look at it as an opportunity. These are some of the last memories made from high school, so make the best of them. Do not take these experiences for granted. Enjoy every moment and all of the people around you to the fullest. This will help you make the most of your high school experience as you prepare for the next chapter of your life.