How far I have come

The little, innocent me would not know how to handle the person I have become.
May 15, 2023
To that little girl that started kindergarten without a clue of her future:
I want you to know that your eyes will be opened. Your life is going to be tough, and you will go through things you only thought happened in movies. But you will also learn to get through it and better yourself along the way. You will have times when you think the whole world is against you, and you will feel alone. But you will get through it and find that the people you need will fall into place.
Here is a look back to every year of school to show you how much you will accomplish.
Kindergarten: The first time I learned Spanish! I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
First grade: A little harder but exciting. I loved my friends and was excited when we got homework (weirdo).
Second grade: The second-grade play, we worked so hard on that!
Third grade: Circle time with our teacher, she always made me feel safe.
Fourth grade: My teacher always decorated the classroom for every holiday. I really enjoyed that.
Fifth grade: The whole year. My favorite year of elementary school. It was very tough to leave.
Sixth grade: Mrs. Koob’s class was so much fun. The scrapbook assignment was very memorable.
Seventh grade: I joined the gymnastics team this year and met the best people through that.
Eighth grade: Bittersweet year; it was tough, but being in those Spanish classes saved my life.
Ninth grade: The virus took a toll on me but I made so many new friends.
10th grade: Hardest year mentally, but I got through it!
11th grade: Very hard classes, but I had some of the most fun ever in them.
12th grade: I met some of the most amazing people, this year was amazing.
So, despite all of the downs you think you had, life got so much better. You got this and you are going to be amazing. It is crazy just to think of how far I have come and how far you’ll go.
Sincerely, Vanessa