Where did the time go?
This picture was captured 10 years ago when my sister and I were getting dropped off for school at Rosa Parks Elementary.
May 2, 2023
As I ponder where I am at in life right now, it’s hard to fathom that I am less than a month away from being a junior in high school, and my sister is months away from being a freshman in college. I feel as if just yesterday our dad was driving us both to Rosa Parks Elementary school. We would always talk about the future like it was so far away and as if it would never become reality. I never realized how fast time can creep up on you and how much you wish it would slow down.
Listening to others talk about their siblings leaving home has always sounded unrealistic and something that I never wanted to imagine. It was hard for me to believe that the person closest to me would be moving on in their life without me. It is weird how much time can change people. We went from playing American Girl Dolls, to staying up all night playing cards and eating goldfish, to her driving us to Target, to us fighting over who has to drive, to us playing volleyball together, to us going to work and now to us planning her graduation.
I vividly remember going to the LHS volleyball camp and thinking how old the high schoolers looked. To think that I am now one of those girls is insane. Growing up is difficult, but I also know that this is something that everyone goes through. It is a part of life. Each stage of life brings its ups and downs, but to think that there could be a better stage other than my childhood seems impossible.
It is tough to think that our childhood is pretty much over and that someday we will be looking back on these moments right now. I know it is cringy to say, but if I were given the choice to go back to the times when these moments seemed so far away I would do it in a heartbeat.