Growing up and being in high school, students often struggle with their mental health and it is easy to get overwhelmed by things like upcoming tests, sports, activities and other parts of everyday life. Especially around this time in the middle of winter and around semester testing it can be helpful to find ways to take a break from any stressors in your life and try and feel like a kid again.
One way you can achieve this feeling is by going somewhere you have not been in years, for example, Air Madness. Recently a group of friends and I were talking and realized that we needed a pause from our lives and school work, so we decided to go jumping. Although it had been years it was easy to get back into it, in a moment all of my worries from school and life just became worrying about all the little kids running around us and seeing who could jump the highest.
Another cheaper way to get back in touch with your younger self is to just go to a playground, this has been made a little more difficult with the recent cold and snow; it is still a fun and free way to have some fun and be outside more. Even though it can seem childish to do activities like these, that is exactly the point. It can get too easy to get stuck in a routine of going to school and maybe practice or work, but even just taking a little time every once in a while, or on a weekend to run around a bit can make a big difference in how you feel.
Recently, a way I have been able to distract myself from stress and get back in touch with my younger self is through coloring. This activity is not only something that reminds me of elementary school and days when I was not so worried about tests, but it also has been shown to help people calm down and is a healthy way for people to relieve stress. Along with this even just things like reading, playing with Legos, or watching an old show or movie you have not seen in a long time can all reconnect you with your youth if you want to feel like a kid again. Even if it means turning on “Cars” or some old Disney princess movie in the background, there are so many simple ways to feel younger. Although it can seem kind of silly to be doing some of these things, they are great ways to distract yourself for a bit and really feel like a kid again.