As the end of the year is approaching, many seniors have already started to plan for next year. It is crazy to think that last year’s seniors are over halfway settled through their first year of college. All the stress that comes with going to college can be overwhelming. However, seeing past seniors succeed after graduating reminds current seniors that they have an entire life ahead of them. Find out what a few of the LHS class of ‘23 graduates are up to.
1. What college are you at and how is it going?
2. Do you miss high school?
3. What is the best part of being in college?
4. Do you still keep in touch with people in Sioux Falls?
5. Any advice for graduating seniors?
6. Anything you want to say to LHS?
Ali Bainbridge:

University of Nebraska-Lincoln and it’s going great! I miss some of the people that I knew through high school (coaches, teammates, friends) but overall I love college!
The best part is that I don’t have to be in school from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. I am busy with classes and practice throughout the day but I get breaks from sitting in a lecture, and I have more freedom in deciding my classes. I also love my track team and training with them.
I do! When I’m home I’ll see friends and old teammates, along with my family.
Enjoy the time with your family and friends! It goes fast. And work hard! You’ll never regret it. Go Pats!!
Fisher Meyerink:

I am attending the University of Iowa and double majoring in Screenwriting and Ethics in Public Policy. It has been great so far! I met a ton of new people and joined a frat.
There are certain things I miss about high school, primarily the teachers. After spending some time in college, I have gained a greater appreciation for the individual attention that the teachers at LHS were to provide.
This is a very basic answer but freedom. Knowing that I can in many ways do whatever I want without having to be mindful of my parents worrying has been great.
The main people I stay in touch with back in Sioux Falls have been my family for obvious reasons. Both times I have been back to Sioux Falls since starting college, I have gotten to meet up with a ton of my high school friends. I also got the opportunity to see the marching band perform which was a very cathartic experience.
Try to enjoy this year as much as you can. I know my last year of high school was pretty boring for me, which means I wasn’t really present for a lot of it, which is something I regret.
JT Rock:

Iowa State University. I would say it is going well, I made the dean’s list first semester, and second semester is off to a good start.
I miss the social aspect of high school, like my friends, and just being around LHS, but I don’t miss sitting in class for seven hours each day.
The best part of college in my opinion is the class schedule, you don’t have to go to class for seven hours each day, and there are lots of fun things to do on campus in your free time. In my case, with basketball, I don’t live on campus or get as much free time as other students, but I enjoy going to other Iowa State teams’ sporting events (football, volleyball, women’s basketball, etc.)
I stay in touch with people from high school mainly on Snapchat. With basketball, I do not get to come home very often so it is harder to see my friends from high school.
Enjoy your time at home with your family. You will miss them every day once you move away. Even if you don’t think you will, you will find yourself wishing you could see them after a long day.
Sarah Bomhoff:

I am at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. It is going very well!! I have met so many fun people and I love all of the classes that I am taking.
I definitely miss some parts of high school such as the teachers, friends from home and a lot of the activities. I have also really enjoyed the change to college and the independence that comes with it.
The best part of college is not being in class for seven hours straight. It is so nice to be able to study during the day and have a break between classes. I honestly don’t know how I went to class for a full day in high school, and I don’t think I could ever go back to it.
Yes! I stay in touch with some people who still go to LHS including Lucas Schreck, Haylee Knutson and a few others.
Everything that is stressful now is so small in the grand scheme of things. Don’t stress too badly about your college decision (please learn from my mistakes) because ultimately you will end up where you are supposed to be! I miss you all!! Go Pats!
Jack Hilgenberg:

I go to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and I’m loving it. I’ve done well in school and have loved the social aspect of college.
I miss certain parts like sports and knowing everyone. I definitely miss some of my buddies that are still in high school that I don’t see as much anymore.
Meeting a ton of awesome people that I would never have imagined meeting.
At first it’s super intimidating, especially being an out of state student at Nebraska. But after just one semester, I’ve got so many lifelong friends that I’m grateful for and I recognize so many people compared to the beginning of the year. The freedom of college and having your own routine/schedule is another favorite part.
Yes I do. I love coming back and catching up with the friends I made in high school and swapping stories. I enjoy hearing how they’re doing.
Never thought I’d say it but using a planner has been a game changer for me, it’s helped me stay way more organized. Biggest piece of advice I got is: work hard, play hard. Also, practice good cleaning habits.
Don’t take your teachers and counselors at LHS for granted. They care about you and provide you with tools you’ll need in college and beyond, so definitely appreciate them.
Cole Capaldo:

I’m at USD and it has been a ton of fun!
High school was awesome for me, but I don’t know if I necessarily miss it because I’m looking forward to the future. However, I do really miss the great relationships I made with friends and teachers, so being able to see them when I am back in SuFu is always a blessing.
The best part of college has definitely been meeting new people and making memories with them. I’ve met so many awesome friends and it’s been really great.
I’ll give a buddy a call every once in a while just to catch up, but the reality is that life keeps moving, so I can’t foster those relationships like I’d like to. One specific person who I’ll always call is my mama.
My advice to the class of ‘24 would be to hold on to your morals once you get to college because it is really easy to be swept into making choices you’ll regret.
Shout out the teachers and staff because you all prepared me so well for this journey. Go Pats!!
Sophie Siegel:

I am at SDSU and I love it. I have met some amazing people. I am in Track and Field, and the workouts have been challenging.
I miss some parts of high school. I miss the people and how laid back it was but overall no.
The best part about being in college is having my own schedule and not having classes all day.
Yes, I still keep in touch with my high school best friends such as Kate Tollinger, Josie Tollinger, Bella Krenik and Ali Bainbridge.
My advice would be to save up money and talk to older people going to your college who know the ropes. Ask them questions. Also mentally prepare yourself for how challenging the school work can be depending on your major.
LHS was a very great school, the best in Sioux Falls for sure.
Katie Jensen:

I’m at Loyola University Chicago, and it is going amazing! I absolutely love living in a city and having access to everything Chicago has to offer.
I definitely miss some aspects of high school, especially the people, but I think this change was at the perfect time. Everyone is so surprised when I talk about how much I loved high school because I truly did have the best experience (especially in Statesman) but college was the next step that every senior knows it’s time to take once they start getting the symptoms of senioritis (mine was really intense with over 100 absences oops).
The best part about being in college is simply being able to grow. The first weeks of college felt so formative with making entirely new friends in a place so foreign to me. I love that no one cares about the high school version of you and that all views are in the present.
Of course! I think it would be a bit absurd to answer no which would mean that the bonds I spend my whole life forming simply crumbled after a few weeks. I was absolutely horrified to leave all of my favorite people to go to a completely new place, but it turns out I wasn’t really leaving them as I get to watch them experience life through a new lens. I get to see what kind of person they are forming into while always cheering for them from states away.
Well if any teachers are reading this then I would definitely say to go to class, something I didn’t follow my senior year. In addition to that, I will always always always believe the corny line “everything always happens for a reason.” Genuinely a year ago Loyola was not even an option I considered or even knew about, but here I am a year later absolutely loving where I am at.
Obviously, an enthusiastic hello to Dr. Kroeze (please tell her I miss her so much) and the rest of the LHS staff and students.