In a society characterized by a ‘hustle’ culture and the never-ending minutiae of everyday life, peoples’ minds and bodies have slowly begun to make a state of constant stress the norm. With everyone’s mind and schedule continuously jumping from one thing to the next, people start to lose their connection with each other. Suddenly, routine becomes mundane, interactions become repetitive and community is lost. It is time for people to discover their third place.
Put simply, a third place is a separate social surrounding and environment from one’s usual two: work (school for students) and home. The subjective nature of a third place allows one to embrace individuality and build foundational aspects that they tie to their identity. A third place acts as a base for the community, providing comfort for all. Stretching from cafes to diners to intramural sports, the possibilities of third places are endless; it is up to the person to choose and attach the significance along their journey of discovering a third place.
Now, what are the defining characteristics that are considered when classifying a third place?
Neutral ground: A third place must open to anyone with no invitation required. As they enter, the burden and stresses they carry with them should dissipate with everyone on the same playing field. No one is playing ‘host’ and an environment of trust and camaraderie is established.
Conversation: The primary activity in a third place is conversation. Sharing stories, ideas and gossip, all while building intimate connections to people within your community gives a third place its welcoming yet casual atmosphere.
Accessibility: A third place is meant to offset the burden, not to amplify it, which is why having an accessible third place in terms of distance (travel time), business hours and environment is vital.
The regulars: These are the people who lie as the foundation for creating the mood of a third place by setting the tone for an easygoing atmosphere through informal communication. They give personality to the space while providing newcomers with a sense of familiarity and affirmation.
A low profile: Whether a billionaire or someone financially struggling walks in, they are equal. A third place is meant to be cozy: a place free of grandiosity and societal norms.
Acceptance: Home is somewhere you feel safe, where you feel accepted. This is exactly what a third place embodies: a home away from home. People of all demographics are welcome and treated with kindness and respect that is reciprocated.
As we grow up and reach a certain point in life, responsibilities and burdens steadily build, plaguing our minds. Certainty creeps into where curiosity once was, trapping us in an invariable routine between two social surroundings: work and home. However, it is never too late to change this vicious cycle, and finding a third place is an incredible way to start. It empowers you to adventure out of your comfort zone, interact with new people, widen your perspectives and most of all, find comfort within your community to help balance the burdens and responsibilities you always seem to be carrying.