The average screen time for Gen Z in 2022 was around 9 hours. Let that sink in. You sleep for 8 hours on average and spend around 8 hours at school. Then, you are spending 9 hours of your day on screens. Many kids don’t know the side effects of screens. This is a problem, we need to find a solution, and we need to change our habits quickly. Screen time has many side effects on us as humans. It can increase our anxiety, depression, and obesity. Social implications also include effects on our social skills, relationships, and academic preferences. This is why we need to spread awareness of this issue. The first step is to engage parents and guardians. We need to start there because they are the ones that can change and create our kids’ habits. We can also start to utilize social media for good. We should use social media to promote changing our screen time habits. Lastly, we can use school-based initiatives such as programs and campaigns to reach kids. There could be classes where you learn how to manage your time and focus on healthy technology usage. We can do this by curriculum integration, counseling services, and encouraging extracurricular activities. Counselors should be trained on how to deal with screen time-related issues.
Now let’s talk about solutions for screen time. First, we need to set boundaries and create habits. Then we need to dive into technology-based solutions such as apps and tools that track and limit screen time. Then we can create and promote tech-free zones in our schools. The question now is whether it will get better or worse. What will the role of technology advancement play in our daily screen times? We have to create societal changes and education on this topic or it will just get worse. What are some personal strategies for teens to reduce screen time themselves? The first step for teens who want to reduce screen time on their own is to self-assess their situation. We can do this by encouraging them to reflect on their screen time habits. Then you should create a balanced schedule. You can do this by mixing screen time with outside activities or planning out your week. Finally, find some alternative activities. Think about exploring sports reading or crafts. So, by understanding the problem, spreading awareness, finding solutions and strategies, supporting kids in school, and creating a plan for change, we can finally challenge the upcoming and increasing issue involving excessive screen time for teens.
LHS screen time
December 4, 2024
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About the Contributors

JD Yunag, Staff Writer
JD Yunag is a senior, second-year staff member for the Statesman. If he is not writing outstanding stories, he can be found with his friends or spending quality time with his family. He is involved in the pickleball community and is a member of multiple LHS clubs. He has also been in the Spanish Immersion program for 10 years and plans on being in it for the rest of his high school career. Some of Yunag’s favorite hobbies include playing pickleball and poker. In addition, Yunag plans on pursuing a career in business after high school.

Lucas Hiatt, Editor-in-Chief
Lucas Hiatt is a senior and Editor-in-Chief for the Statesman. He is involved in LHS Golf and Student Council. He is also fluent in Spanish and is enrolled in LHS’s Spanish Immersion Program. Outside of his crammed school schedule, he can be found at the golf course or the pickleball courts. Additionally, he enjoys beating fellow staff member, JD Yunag, in friendly games of Poker.