Ice makes or breaks a drink. If the ice is not cold or it is not the perfect type of ice then the drink is not as good as it would be with the perfect ice. Everyone has their preferred type of ice that they believe makes their drink ten times better. I believe that pebbled ice is the best type of ice. Every restaurant, fast food place, gas station and refrigerator should have it.
Pebbled ice makes your drink so much more incredible and enhances your drink in ways other ice cannot. What makes it so incredible is the way it does not affect the taste of your drink poorly. It makes the drink taste better and makes the experience of drinking your beverage 1,000 times better. I would pick pebbled ice to be in every single one of my drinks.
Circle K gas station is one place that has amazing pebbled ice. If you need a crisp drink with the best pebbled ice, stop at Circle K. Circle K is also right up the street from school, so if you need a quick pick-me-up beverage stop there for the ideal pebbled ice. 4.5/5
Another place with astonishing pebbled ice is Chick-fil-A. Not only do they have the best Dr. Pepper, the best drink ever, but they also have the best-pebbled ice. It is the treat I patiently wait for as I sip on my drink. When I finish my drink I go straight to the ice. It is the best ice to munch on and is not too hard on your teeth. If you are looking to have your mind blown by the best pebbled ice for your drink make your way to Chick-fil-A. 5/5
Flat ice is another type of ice. It is what most restaurants and fast food places have. It is not my favorite type of ice, but it is not terrible. It does not make your drink that much better and it also melts a lot faster which waters down your drink. Sometimes it is nice to munch on when you are done with your drink. There is not anything special about flat ice; it is a below-average type of ice.
If you like flat ice there are many places you can get it. Any fast food place or restaurant like McDonalds, Taco Bell, Chipotle, etc. has flat ice. Flat ice from these places all seems the same to me and makes my drink worse. The only time I would have this ice in my drink or eat it would be if I was desperate. 1.5/5
Fridge ice is a classic and an underrated type of ice. There is something different about it. The way it is so flawlessly formed and amazingly smooth. It makes your drink taste so fresh. It also makes your water taste so much more crisp. It is also the most convenient type of ice. It is made right in your refrigerator. If you wake up in the middle of the night craving a nice cold glass of water, walk to your fridge to grab some ice and fill your cup with water. Then you will have the ultimate glass of water because of something so simple, your fridge ice.
When you use hot water to fill an ice tray it makes the most perfect clear ice. At home I filled my ice tray with hot water to make balls of ice. Once they were in the freezer for 24 hours they were ready to be used and eaten. These balls of ice are one of the best types of ice for your drink. They are the ideal size and shape. They are also the most ideal type of ice to munch on when you are done with your drink. 5/5
Cubed ice from the fridge is on another level. It is way better than flat ice, but not as spectacular as pebbled ice. My fridge is the ice I use for my water bottle every school day. It does not melt throughout the day, keeps my water cold, gets me through the school day and keeps me refreshed. Without the ice, it would not be the same. The water would taste bland and would not be as cold. Although it is one of the underrated types of ice and still gets me through the school day it still does not beat pebbled ice. 4/5
1. What is the best type of ice?
2. What place has the best ice?
Charlotte Metzger-Senior
1. Pebbled, but it has to be chalky
2. Circle K or Trainer’s room
Grant Wiessner-Junior
1. Crushed
2. Chick-fil-A
Hilda Looney-Sophomore
1. Cubed
2. My fridge
Charlotte Cline-Freshman
1. Flat cubed
2. American Airlines