As semester tests are closing in on us, we start to worry. If you are sitting at the grade you want or a grade far away from changing a letter, you do not have to worry too much about semester tests. Because semester tests are 15% of your grade, it can change your grade drastically; your grade can even change a whole letter if you do badly enough. If you are one of those students that is sitting a small percentage away from a letter grade then you have to stress more. Plus, if you strive for the best grades, then you will care about semester tests and about doing well on them.
If you are a procrastinator like me, then preparing and studying for semester tests will be more challenging. Procrastination is when a person habitually puts off doing things. Instead of studying, I usually get distracted by doing other things as studying is the last thing I want to do. To work on not procrastinating and prepare for semester tests, I tried out these six simple steps.
How not to procrastinate before semester tests:
1. Carve out time to study
Put aside around 20 to 120 minutes of your time to study for your classes. Dedicate at least 20 minutes for each class, that way you have enough time to study for each class. If you do so, you will study for a total of two hours since you have six tests.
2. Get rid of distractions
Setting aside time is not the only thing that will help you stop procrastinating. Another action to take is getting rid of all distractions. Put aside your phone and put it on “do not disturb.” What can also help keep you more focused during study time is chewing gum. In order to stay focused and keep yourself from procrastinating, getting rid of distractions is vital.
3. Try breathing exercises/meditation
To help get ready and stay on task during study time try breathing exercises or meditation. These can help with staying focused and not putting off studying. If you are finding getting rid of distractions hard for you, then maybe try a breathing exercise. Even before you start studying, trying meditation would help you get ready and not procrastinate. Doing meditation or breathing exercises can also help with anxiety.
4. Focus on the classes you are struggling in
If you are one of those students who is at a borderline grade in your class, then you will want to dedicate more time to that class. If you are a strong student in English, then you do not need to study as much. On the other hand, if you are struggling in math, then you will need to devote more time and effort toward it.
5. Up your grade before semester tests
Another thing to do if you are borderline is to talk to your teacher about what you can do to get your grade up before semester tests so your grade does not change by a whole letter. Most teachers are willing to let you retake tests or quizzes. Some teachers also offer an extra credit option before the semester test to help boost your grade.
6. Make a habit of repeating your study strategies every day before the test
To stop procrastinating, make a habit of studying. Make a plan of when, where and how long you are going to study for. Then repeat for as long as you see fit: three days, a week, etc.