It started out as just a casual download. “Oh, this looks fun,” I thought. “Just a little game to play when I am bored.” What a fool I was. What a sweet, innocent, naive fool. Because Block Blast is not just a game, it is a way of life.
At this point, I do not even remember what I used to do with my time. Read books? Socialize? Get a healthy amount of sleep? Those days are long gone. Now, my life revolves around one thing: strategically placing colorful blocks into perfect little rows. If I am not playing Block Blast, I am thinking about playing Block Blast. If I am playing Block Blast, I am in the zone. I am stacking, clearing rows and chasing that next high score like a mad scientist chasing the meaning of life.
And I am not alone in this obsession. Walk through the halls of our school and you will see the signs everywhere. People staring at their phones, brows furrowed in intense focus. The occasional whispered “no, no, NO!” followed by a sigh of defeat when someone messes up a perfect run. The thrill of victory when you finally beat your personal best. Block Blast fever has spread like wildfire, and no one is immune.
At lunch? Block Blast. In the library? Block Blast. In class? Allegedly Block Blast (but I plead the fifth if any teachers are reading this). I swear I saw a teacher playing it under their desk the other day, but I will not name names because I respect the grind.
I will not lie; this game has ruined my productivity. I was once a diligent student, but now my homework only gets done if my phone is dead or I am stuck on a particularly bad run. My screen time has tripled. My battery percentage is always flirting with death. And worst of all, I can no longer close my eyes without seeing colorful blocks falling into place.
At night I lie awake, haunted by the mistakes of past games. Why did I put that block there? What was I thinking? Could I have saved the run if I had just waited one more turn? The questions torment me.
If you have managed to resist Block Blast so far, I commend you. Stay strong. Enjoy your free time, your good grades and your peace of mind. But if you have already given in, welcome to the club. There is no escape now.