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"The best way to predict your future is to create it." Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln High School Statesman

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln High School Statesman

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln High School Statesman

A maze of miscellaneous untitled docs in the graveyard that is Google Drive.

Scrolling down memory lane

Ellie Boehrns, Staff Writer February 14, 2025

Dear Google Drive users,   Scrolling down my Google Drive is always a journey. Finding lost documents and assignments is an everyday ordeal, but, once in a while, gems will appear. All contained...

Panda Express's beyond orange chicken and chow mein in a to go box.

Why you should go vegan for month

February 12, 2025

It is a well-known fact that a plant-heavy diet is good for you and the environment;however, many people still steer clear of healthier, plant-based options. According to the USDA, Americans today consume...

A calendar clearly showing a normal amount of days in January.

January 32nd

Bethel Woche, Staff writer February 5, 2025

If any month were to be mocked for its length, it would logically be February as it is awkwardly short. January, however, deserves a title beyond that. Despite having the same number of days as May and...

A Letterboxd profile page, featuring the user’s favorite films, a watchlist, watch history, a bio and a profile picture.

A love letter to Letterboxd

Chris Tao, Staff Writer February 4, 2025

What is the meaning of life? I know, I know—it’s a tough question. I myself don't have an answer yet. The impermanence of our time on Earth has evoked deep, introspective questions that we spend our...

12th Annual Burger Battle

Kinsley Ernster, Staff Writer January 28, 2025

This year marks the 12th annual Burger Battle, a tradition where local downtown restaurants create a burger with an extraordinary spin. Instead of a traditional American cheeseburger, these restaurants...

Here is an example of good markers and a five-subject notebook that will make your school days easier.

A helpful guide to backpack supplies

Syriana Castilleja January 22, 2025

The bag carried on the back of each student and the objects within vary from person to person. However, most students can think of a fellow classmate who provides essentials that make a school day more...

Junior Logan Sanborn holds her car keys, ready to drive in the winter weather.

Snow problem

Selah Seymour, Staff Writer January 21, 2025

There is nothing like waking up on a cold winter morning to see a fresh blanket of snow covering the earth. The world seems to sparkle as the sun shines on the white ground. Everything is beautiful…...

A student, Addisyn Anderson, studies in the LHS library.

Only 15%

Bethel Woche, Staff Writer January 14, 2025

Towards the end of every semester, LHS students cram lessons taught throughout months in order to prepare for finals. These last couple of weeks often carry anxiety and pressure among students. It pushes...

Semester tests are stressful and worth 15% of your grade, so make sure to study and complete your review packets.

Preparing for semester tests as a procrastinator

Kinsley Ernster, Staff Writer January 7, 2025

As semester tests are closing in on us, we start to worry. If you are sitting at the grade you want or a grade far away from changing a letter, you do not have to worry too much about semester tests. Because...

As the wave of consumerism consumes the holidays, presents begin piling under the tree in larger quantities.

‘Tis the season of consumerism

Chris Tao, Staff Writer December 22, 2024

As the cold winds usher in the winter season, numerous large-scale holidays like Christmas, New Year's and Hanukkah catalyze a period of familial warmth, celebration and gathering. However, over the years,...

Money patiently waiting for the seven days to pass and be spent.

Seven days spent sadly saving

Syriana Castilleja December 9, 2024

 In a desperate act to save money, I challenged myself to seven days of no impractical spending. So I attempted this experiment, which required daily accounts of each and every expense made.  For...

Christmas has a different feeling as we age, which different traditions beginning and some ending (Artwork by Addison Remme).

Where did Christmas go?

Addison Remme, Staff Writer December 9, 2024

It’s that time of year again, one we are all too familiar with. It’s the time of year where rainstorms turn into blizzards and days at the beach fade into days cozied up at home. The faint smell of...

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