What to do during winter break

Megan Landon, Sports Editor

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The moment that all students have been waiting for is finally upon us: those precious 11 days of holiday break. Everyone looks forward to what presents they are going to receive, how the weather is going to be on trips and spending over a week carefree with friends and family, but every holiday break there is inevitably some down time for those of us who don’t travel. The question is, what are we to do during those times?

First of all, make sure to appreciate time spent with friends and family. The holidays are very family-oriented, so taking the time to bake cookies with your mom or go shopping with your grandma is especially important. It will make their day without having to invest too much time into it. It’s nice to have some time to just relax and have a heartfelt conversation with loved ones next to a fireplace and a lit up Christmas tree.

Another way to fill up winter break is to take a few extra shifts at work. I know, most high schoolers hate their jobs, but it is wise to take some time to work, especially when your friends are out of town so there isn’t much else to do anyway. Since there is no school anyway, that is close to seven extra hours to fill, so taking a three or four hour shift still leaves time to do other activities. There is nothing wrong with having some extra pocket money to spend this spring as well.

Also, make sure to get outside at least a few times to relive those childhood memories of sledding in the backyard or making snowmen and angels on the front lawn. It is fun to have a snowball fight at least one time during this winter, then come inside to a warm and cozy fireplace along with a mug of hot chocolate. If you want to get in the holiday spirit without having to brave the freezing cold South Dakota winters, then stop by the Iceplex to ice skate.

Finally, over break don’t forget the reason why we are celebrating this holiday season. No matter what holiday you celebrate, remember the joy and happiness that the holidays are meant to bring. Spend time with your loved ones and make memories, because after all, it is the most wonderful time of the year.