Opinions of LHS: Student walkout

Lorie Shaull

Teens For Gun Reform, an organization created by students in the Washington DC area protest weak gun laws in the wake of the Parkland High School shooting.

Landon DeBoer, Staff Writer

In light of the recent school shooting at Parkland High School in Florida, students across the nation have planned school walkouts to protest weak gun laws. One school walkout is planned for March 14 at 10 a.m. for 17 minutes (one minute for each person killed in the Parkland High School shooting) and another walkout is planned for April 20 of this year (the date of the Columbine Massacre). Here are some opinions from LHS students on the idea of a walkout:

“I wouldn’t walkout because you’re not really accomplishing anything, and obviously the law is going to take some part in solving the problem. You’re just going to miss class and there is not much you can do about it,” said junior Sarah Einsel.

“I’m leading a push to get a walkout and we’ve already gotten administration approval so no one who participates will be punished,” said sophomore Makhiya Highstrom. “I think that it’s extremely important that the youth are heard because this is something that is affecting us.”

“The idea of a walkout, as long as you keep it to not have a political agenda, is a good idea. I think that the main focus of an event like this should be to show respect for the lives lost,” said junior Sam Rector.

“I think that a walkout is a really good thing to bring awareness to the fact that 17 people were shot, and I would support anything that supports the victims of the shooting,” said junior Peter Christopherson.