AP Environmental Science will never be the same


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Chloe Crissman, Staff Writer

The man that LHS students once called the “Father of Science” is moving on to bigger and better things.

Joshua Smith is LHS’ only AP Environmental Science teacher and sets the bar high. Smith’s name has been synonymous with science for many years, but next year he will hang up his lab coat and become the new Freshman Academy coordinator. He will be helping the teachers with developing the structure of the academy and, most importantly, working with the students to achieve their goals.

Do not worry fellow APES students, Smith will miss us very much next year.

“I will miss them,” said Smith. “My opportunity to teach APES has been a blessing to me. I feel like I have been served by the school because I get these awesome kids to teach. I am going to miss teaching the students how to prepare for AP tests and the rigor of college.”

Smith believes that his job as a science teacher is extremely rewarding, as he gets to watch kids struggle with the curriculum and then watch them work hard to succeed.

“Students’ success is why we do this,” said Smith.

Smith has been one the most influential teachers in my high school experience because he not only cares about the subject of Environmental Science, but he cares for his students as well. Before almost every test he tells my class: “I love you guys and I know you will rock it.” But do not just take my word for how amazing of a teacher Smith is. According to his RateMyTeachers profile, here is what other students have said about Smith:

“We got at least two inspirational speeches a week about how he wants us to do our best and contribute to the world,” said an anonymous source. “Definitely top five best teachers at LHS. He wants students to understand and sets aside his own time to make sure kids know the material.”

“My favorite teacher I’ve ever had, seriously such a great guy,” said another anonymous source.

I think it is clear how much of an impact Smith has had on every student he has taught. He will truly be missed by all of his students, but thankfully, he is not going too far.