Democrats begin impeachment inquiry into President Trump

White House photo

The House of Representatives has begun an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Landon DeBoer, Sports Editor

Late Tuesday afternoon, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi formally announced that the United States House of Representatives and its subcommittees were going to begin an inquiry for the impeachment of President Trump.

The specific charge the House Democrats are making their impeachment case on is the idea that President Trump betrayed his oath of office and the national security of the U.S. for possible political dirt on an opponent. The exact event Pelosi is referencing is a conversation President Trump had with President Zelensky of Ukraine, where he asked for an investigation into one of the Democratic frontrunners, former Vice President Joe Biden. The conversation between the two leaders was brought to light when a whistleblower leaked word of the possible wrongdoing. Pelosi’s announcement was a long time coming for some Democrats, but now, almost all Democrats in the House feel that they have an offense incriminating enough to impeach the president. 

“The actions taken to date by the president have seriously violated the Constitution,” said Pelosi, according to the NYT. “[President Trump] must be held accountable — no one is above the law.”

In defense of President Trump, many GOP lawmakers are saying that even with him asking for political dirt, there was “no quid pro quo,” meaning that there was not a deal made to look into the former Vice President between the two countries. 

“I didn’t do it,” said President Trump, according to CNN. “There was no quid pro quo.”

Even if there is proven to be no formal deal exchanged by the two countries for looking into the former Vice President, many Democrats are focusing on a specific line from the transcript the White House released of the call which called for a favor from Ukraine to look into Biden and his son. Both the former Vice President and his son have been found to have done no criminal wrongdoings. By focusing mainly on these words of President Trump in the transcript, Democrats hope to specify that what the president did is illegal, as seeking foreign intel for an election is illegal according to FEC rules.

As the impeachment inquiry starts to play out, it will be interesting to see what will unfold. At the moment, it looks like the House will have the votes to impeach the president, but the Senate may not provide the same result. In the upcoming weeks, the House Democrats will be working vehemently to find intel on the situation and come up with the best possible case for impeachment, while President Trump will plan his defense.