Soccer studs surprise Hawthorne Elementary
September 25, 2020
Due to a recent change in the COVID-19 cases at a Sioux Falls elementary school, LHS students have stepped up to be a shining light in the lives of low-income students. Last week, Hawthorne Elementary was the first of Sioux Falls schools to be moved to the Green Level 2 title.
Green Level 2 is an indication that COVID-19 prevention efforts are not going as planned. More specifically, it indicates that a school will be operating as normal with slight modifications to at least one classroom.
“Though the [Sioux Falls School District Superintendent Jane Stavem] did not give specific numbers, Stavem said the number of staff and students in quarantine are ‘a little higher’ than the number of positive cases because some of those individuals may be asymptomatic but considered close contacts,” said Shelly Conlon, writer for the Argus Leader.
For this elementary school, only one classroom was specifically designated to be put on an alternate schedule. But, it was still enough to open the eyes of the LHS soccer team to the help that they could provide for their fellow community.
“We normally do fundraisers aimed towards [the LHS soccer team],” said senior Paige Miller. “This was something that allowed us to branch out into our community. It was rewarding to see the entire team come together for a great cause.”
The plan to provide materials for one Sioux Falls school came together earlier this week. It was decided that an inner-city school struggling with poverty and a lack of school supplies would receive the donation.
“We really wanted to donate to the less fortunate school,” said Miller. “More specifically, we wanted to donate to an elementary school. Elementary teachers are often having to purchase an overload of supplies for their students, so the need was greatest here.”
School supplies were heavily needed at Hawthorne Elementary School, which led the soccer team to their idea of ‘baskets.’ Each grade level would be given a laundry basket filled with miscellaneous items, some with cleaning supplies and others with classroom materials.
“We put all of the supplies into laundry baskets because we felt like teachers make good use out of these,” said Miller. “Inside of the baskets, there was an array of items. Hand sanitizer, pencils, pens, crayons, glue sticks, loose-leaf paper and jolly ranchers were the most common supplies.”
Thankfully, the team was able to provide an abundance of supplies due to their successful bracelet fundraiser. Over the past few weeks, LHS soccer members have been selling red and blue bracelets for $3 a piece or two for $5.
“Each player was given around 20 bracelets to sell,” said Miller. “We went through them faster than I expected! At the end of the sale, we had raised $400.”
Overall, the process of raising the money, creating the baskets and delivering them to teachers was an incredibly rewarding experience. Soccer players that chose to participate felt the need of their community and hope to continue events such as this.
“We’ve seen other sports teams do annual reach outs in our area,” said Miller. “It’s really unique and we wanted to take part in this. I’m happy we were able to be involved, and I hope that the soccer team continues to give back.”