SFSD to provide rapid COVID-19 testing for teachers
The SFSD will now be allowed to file for rapid COVID-19 testing for their staff.
October 27, 2020
COVID-19 has caused chaos and commotion across the country, but here in Sioux Falls, the city has managed to return to normal day to day activities, and more specifically, K-12 education.
Although it is a great privilege to be able to attend school in the year 2020, this privilege has come with its own set of problems. Regulations and rules have created obstacles for everyone involved, but it is for the safety of both staff and students.
Recently, a few of these problems have been addressed, such as the mandatory quarantine for close contacts within the school. When Sioux Falls students first returned to school there was a requirement for any student or staff member to remain at home for 14 days if they were within 6 feet of a COVID-positive person, for more than 15 minutes. On Oct. 1, an adjustment was made to these guidelines.
“The school board revised the requirement for the 14-day quarantine for close contacts as part of the District’s Return to Learn plan,” said the SFSD superintendent, Jane Stavem. “These changes will apply to close contacts whose exposure occurred in the school setting, and both the positive case and the close contact were masked when the exposure occurred. For this setting, the 14-day quarantine is now recommended, but not required if specific conditions are met.”
In addition, the SFSD has decided to go ahead with its plan to allow staff a rapid COVID-19 test. This test will allow teachers within the SFSD buildings to have an accurate and fast result, with answers that allow better planning.
“The sample is collected at point-of-care (e.g., clinic or doctor’s office), and results are available in minutes,” said Alyssa Billingsley, a representative for GoodRx via their website. “The FDA has authorized five rapid diagnostic tests so far.”
This advancement will allow due notice for absences and create a greater opportunity for curriculum planning and substitutions.
“We will be able to make the best-informed decisions for staff and students,” said LHS assistant principal Danyelle Brown. “Teachers will be able to return to the classroom quicker after being tested if they are negative. Currently, it can take anywhere from 2-5 days for teachers to get a result and they can not be in the classroom during that time.”
Overall this decision will allow students, staff and admin a better school year. Unnecessary absences will decrease, substitute teachers will be more accessible and the school district will have an easier time balancing their staff.
“At LHS when we have been short on subs, our teachers have really helped out supporting each other and subbing during their planning periods,” said Brown. “We are truly blessed to have such great staff that watches out for one another.”