Be passionate about your purpose
I feel fortunate to have found a passion and a purpose with the Statesman this year.
May 21, 2021
Junior year. Generally referred to as the hardest year of high school; my third year at LHS was too, no exception. Knee deep in four AP classes, brand new activities, an immense amount of college information, ACT prep, as well as the occasional academic or leadership application — it is safe to say I was overwhelmed at times. Although this year has stretched me further academically and challenged me both personally and relationally more than ever before, I cannot help but thank junior year for giving me what I consider to be the best version of myself today. Throughout all of the unexpected twists and trials these nine months have held, I grew more into my own skin and faith everyday through accomplishing more than I thought I could. Some of these attainments were personal milestones like conquering my fear of driving and discomfort with being alone, but what was clearly visible to the outside world is that I came to know what sets my soul on fire.
I walked into my first day of Statesman nervous and excited, not quite sure what kind of writer I was going to be; nonetheless, I was ready to express the whirlwind of ideas circling my head through a J-Lab keyboard. Almost instantaneously, composing articles became both my drug and my safe place. I am now conditioned to crave articulating perspectives, narrating the uniqueness of people’s lives through features, catching readers up on the latest of the entertainment industry and challenging myself to the occasional sports or news story at times (I’m still working on those). It was not uncommon this year to find me consumed in next month’s online story, rather than first completing my presently due AP Statistics homework.
The Chief Creative Officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios, Jennifer Lee, once said to “be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” I am leaving my last day of Statesman as an appointed Editor-in-Chief, confidently being able to say I have discovered something I am so profoundly passionate about. Although it may sound a little pretentious coming from a 16-year-old writing for a high school newspaper, I am grateful to have found what is important to me, despite anyone else’s opinion.
“Purpose” is a concept I have contemplated considerably as a person of many passions. At the beginning of this year, half of high school still awaited me. Now, comprehending the idea that a year from now I will be graduating is still my next endeavor. It has certainly been a pleasure to write for the Statesman this year, and while I can only imagine the plethora of unforeseen that awaits me in my senior year, I am ready to embrace it all headfirst feeling that God has given me a greater purpose through my pen.