Staying motivated before summer

LHS students are more than excited for summer to start

Sioux Falls School District

LHS students are more than excited for summer to start

Madyson Lawson, Staff Writer


With only a week left of this very long and stressful year, the thought of summer can’t help but be on everyone’s mind. All of the excitement, plans to be made, friends to hang out with and places to see makes it easy to lose motivation for school. And with semester tests coming up shortly, motivation and focus is what’s most important. It’s obvious that nobody wants to test right before summer, it’s just one more thing in the way of freedom.

One week might seem like a while, but it may pass faster than you think. So the best thing you can do to start preparing for testing is simply paying attention in your classes. As simple as putting your phone down during your lesson, making sure you’re turning in your assignments on time and preparing for any upcoming tests or quizzes. Keeping up with homework and participation grades can be an easy way to keep your grade up, as well as helping you gather beneficial information for your test.

Staying organized and involved can also be beneficial. Keeping up with your daily routine and activities can give someone something to look forward to, as well as keeping on track with your schedule before summer finally approaches. Joining a spring sport or activity can give you a beneficial way to spend your time and stay on track with your current priorities, while also staying involved within the school. 

Even staying excited and looking forward to your summer plans could also help you in many ways. For some, the excitement could act as a sense of encouragement to get through the rest of their year. Just knowing that all your hard work is going towards something worth it can be enough motivation for some. 

All in all, staying focused and on top of things can be your best friend when it comes to wrapping a school year up. Understanding that you need to stay in the present and focus on your current issues all while still looking forward to summer and what’s to come.