Rise & Shine
The Rise program is selling coffee during WIN time all over the school for only $3 a cup. Go find them and try it today!
October 20, 2021
You might have heard of it; you might have a friend who has tried it, you might have tried it yourself. If you haven’t yet tried it, you gotta.
During WIN time, the LHS Rise program is selling coffee for $3 dollars a cup. It’s a solid cup of joe and it is being sold for a greater purpose. The funds gained from the sales are directly used to benefit the Rise program.
For those unfamiliar with it, the Rise program is an organization within LHS that assists students with cognitive and learning disabilities. Some people would argue that Scooters or Starbucks coffee is better, but I think when buying a product or service, it is good when the funds go to a better purpose. I think the Rise coffee is beneficial to the whole school. The students receive caffeine in the form of a delicious cup of warm or cold brew, and the Rise program receives funds that will help out the students that need it the most.
The coffee itself has a great taste to it. I was skeptical at first because I wasn’t sure if coffee made by high schoolers would be very good. I was delightfully surprised to find out how good it is. When purchasing, the student is able to pick and choose everything they want in their cup. Warm, cold, creams and syrups; the student gets to assemble their own personalized cup of coffee for only $3. And the best part, you can find them anywhere in the school pushing around their “coffee cart”. The coffee cart can be found in the library foyer before school and during WIN time. Short travel, quality coffee, low price, and a good meaning are all things that this coffee represents. If you see the Rise coffee cart in the school, just try it. Even if you don’t like coffee, you are helping out fellow students and the school. At LHS, we should be supporting one another, and purchasing a cup of coffee is so simple but yet makes such a big difference if everyone is doing it. Help out your fellow students and go try the Rise coffee today!