Noem: Extending her stay in Pierre

Used with Permission by Flickr/Gage Skidmore

Kristi Noem received 62% of the vote in the 2022 midterm election.

Kinley Freese, Staff Writer

The South Dakota polls are closed, and the results have been confirmed; Incumbent South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has won again. 


With results coming in late on the evening of Nov. 8, the successful reelection campaign of Noem has delivered, and she will be entering her second term as South Dakota’s Governor. Governor Noem will be spending a second term in the state capital of Pierre and will be sworn in for her second term on Jan. 7, 2023. The Argus Leader is tabbing her win as “decisive” and “winning by a large margin.” While Fox News is calling it a “landslide of a victory.” 


Incumbent Governor Noem is a representative for the Republican party. She was the first female to be elected as governor in South Dakota. Her reelection campaign could be called wildly successful as the $4.7 million she raised and spent on the campaign played out in her favor. What she aims to focus on in her second term will center around replacing the grocery sales tax, continuing her anti-critical race theory stance in education and the “open for business” mentality that South Dakota has regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic. Noem has also noted that President Biden’s policies are contributing to higher inflation, which is directly affecting South Dakota families negatively, which Noem has actively tried to prevent. 


The official election results show that Governor Noem won 63.7% of the state, while Democratic nominee Jamie Smith won 35.2% of the state. In Noem’s Victory speech, she referred to her win as an “example to the rest of the country” as to how the state of South Dakota shines a light on “freedom and opportunity.” Senator Smith thanked everyone that voted and reassured citizens that the future is full of opportunities. 


“As I leave this stage tonight, I leave you with my deepest gratitude and certainty that the future is bright,” said Smith. 


When asked about how Noem sees the future of South Dakota, she responded with “Americans are looking across the country, they are looking to South Dakota as a shining city on a hill.” 


Governor Noem ended her victory speech with key points to reassure the citizens of South Dakota that she will do her best for the people. 


“In the last four years we have built the strongest state in the nation…we did it together…I promise you the best is yet to come,” said Governor Noem in her victory speech.